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1 Finite Element Modeling for Virtual Design to Miniaturize Medical Implants Manufactured of Nanostructured Titanium with Enhanced Mechanical Performance Nikita Kazarinov,  Andrey Stotskiy, Alexander Polyakov, Ruslan Z. Valiev and Nariman Enikeev Materials 10.2022 15(21), 7417 Q1
2 True fracture stress of UFG samples of Al 6101 alloy D.V. Gunderov, S.D. Gunderova, D.K. Magomedova Letters on Materials 12.2022 Q3
3 The modified relaxation plasticity model and the non- monotonicstress–strain diagram Shixiang Zhao, Yu.V. Petrov, G.A. Volkov International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 240, 2023 Q1
4 Atomic-scale inhomogeneous solute distribution in an ultrahigh strength nanocrystalline Al-8 Mg aluminum alloy Yulin Chen, Manping Liu, Lipeng Ding, Zhihong Jia, Shuangfeng Jia, Jianbo Wang, Maxim Murashkin, Ruslan Z. Valiev, Hans J. Roven Materials Characterization, 198, 2023 Q1
5 Cryogenic tensile fracture behavior of equal-channel angular pressed high-Mn steel Beom Joon Kim, Marina Abramova, Hyoung Seop Kim, Nariman Enikeev, Jung Gi Kim Materials Letters, 349, 2023 Q2
6 Nanostructuring Ti- Alloys by HPT: Phase Transformation Mechanical and Corrosion Properties, and Bioactivation Alberto M. Jorge, Jr., Virginie Roche, Diego A.G. Pérez and Ruslan Z. Valiev Materials Transactions, 64, 7, 2023 Q3
7 Modeling of the thermal softening of metals under impact loads and their temperature–time correspondence S Zhao, YV Petrov, Y Zhang, GA Volkov, Z Xu, F Huang Int J of Engn Science 194 (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijengsci.2023.103969 Q1
8 EDTA-Functionalized Carbon Dots–Metal Nanozymes Based on Coordination Chemistry: Species of Metal Ions Determines Enzyme-Mimicking Catalyzed Activities Dong J, Liu G, Petrov YV, Feng Y, Jia D, Baulin VE, Li B. ACS Materials Letters. 2024:1112-9. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsmaterialslett.4c00109  Q1
9 Rapamycin functionalized carbon Dots: Target-oriented synthesis and suppression of vascular cell senescence Dong J, Wang Q, Gu T, Liu G, Petrov YV, Baulin VE, Yuan H, Li, B.  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2024;660:534-44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2024.01.032  Q1
10 The influence of heat treatment on the dynamic strength characteristics of cement mortars L.A. Igusheva, Yu.V. Petrov Physics of the Solid State, 2024, V.66, No.3 pp.467-474 https://journals.ioffe.ru/articles/57951  Q4
11 Revisiting mass-on-spring model to address key dynamic fracture effects N.A. Kazarinov, A.A. Smirnov, Y.V. Petrov Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics Vol.132, 2024, 104470 https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.tafmec.2024.104470  Q1
12 Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Granite Dynamic Fracture Toughness and Its Structural-Temporal Characteristics L.A. Igusheva, Yu.V. Petrov Mechanics of Solids, 2024, Vol.59, No.1, pp.379–386 DOI: 10.1134/S0025654423602781  Q4
13 Influence of grain size on α′ Cr precipitation in an isothermally aged Fe-21Cr-5Al alloy M. Arivu, A. Hoffman, J. Poplawsky, I. Spinelli, C. Dai, RB Rebak, J. Cole, RK Islamgaliev, RZ Valiev, H. Wen Materialia, vol. 34 (2024) 102047, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2024.102047 Q2 
14 Effect of hydrostatic pressure and heat treatment on the sandstone dynamic compressive strength L.A. Igusheva, Yu.V. Petrov Mech. Solids (2024).. https://doi.org/10.1134/ S0025654424602714 Q4 
15 Incubation-time-based modeling of the grain-size-influenced yield point phenomenon M. N. Antonova, Shixiang Zhao, Yu. V. Petrov, Mingyi Zheng, Baoqiang Li. Acta Mechanica (2024) Q2
16 The preliminary heat treatment influence on the rock fracture toughness. L.A. Igusheva Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2024, V.21, N.1, pp. 26–33.  
17 Severe plastic deformation for producing superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: an interdisciplinary review K. Edalati, et al Н.А. Еникеев, Р.З. Валиев, М.Ю. Мурашкин J. Alloys Compd. (2024) 174667 Q1
18 Wear and Failure Analysis of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy with a Protective Coating during High-Speed Erosion S. A. Atroshenko, R. Z. Valiev, N. F. Morozov, R. R. Valiev, Ya. N. Savina, M. N. Antonova & A. D. Evstifeev Physical Mesomechanics V. 27, pp 387–397, (2024)  
19 The role of the hydrostatic pressure under dynamic fracture of rocks N.S. Selyutina, L.A. Igusheva, Y.V. Petrov Materials Physics and Mechanics. 2024;52(3), (2024) Q4
20 Target-Oriented Synthesis of Triphenylphosphine Functionalized Carbon Dots with Negative Charge for ROS Scavenging and Mitochondrial Targeting. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces Xiangli Li, Yingjie Li, Mengxian Du, Yuri V Petrov, Vladimir E Baulin, Yujin Wang, Huiping Yuan, Yu Zhou, Baoqiang Li ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. Jun 5;16(22):28991-29002 Q1
21 The impact of hydrostatic pressure on the loading rate dependences of the rock strength characteristics L. Igusheva, Y. Petrov In: Physicochemical aspects of extreme states and structural transformations in continuous media, materials and technical systems. Issue 4 2024. P.117-121